-- card: 11196 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 12000 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2783 -- name: ----- HyperTalk script ----- on openCard get the short name of stack put it into field "Stack Name" end openCard -- part contents for background part 10 ----- text ----- HyperSource Help -- part contents for background part 7 ----- text ----- Clicking the "Find" button will bring up the message box. Enter your search string and hit . Hit to go to the next match (even though the message box is now hidden). You can also use command-m to toggle the message box. Some hints on search strings: find "meta" — searches all fields for words beginning with "meta" find "meta" in field 1 — searches field 1 for words beginning with "meta" find word "meta" — searches all fields for exact word match find char "meta" — searches all fields for "meta" occurring anywhere in word If you want to find all cards containing two strings — say, "logic" and "program" — enter the following in the msg. box: find "logic program". Note: you cannot do 'or' searches from the msg. box. Use sorting by keyword.